Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Missing IsaacMissing Isaac by Valerie Fraser Luesse
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a wonderful book to debut and showcase Valerie Fraser Luesse's style of writing. Missing Isaac is packed full of emotion and brings to life the realities of racial issues and segregation in the 1960's. You'll fall in love with each character, and find yourself both laughing and crying through their joys and heartaches. Ms. Luesse has woven the characters together in such a way as to make them all feel like family. There is something in each chapter that we all can identify with. You'll find yourself caught up in the story line and unable to put the book down as you anxiously await the conclusion of the mystery of Isaac's disappearance. A book I would highly recommend to anyone unafraid to cross racial barriers and befriend those shunned by the majority.

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